Friday, October 19, 2007

We made it (at least 2/3rds of us did)

We survived the journey back to California. We stopped in Arizona along the way so I could attend my 10 year high school reunion. I'm so happy I decided to go. I was a little on the fence about the whole thing....I wasn't exactly Miss Popular in high school. It was so great to see everyone that attended and I missed those that didn't make it. Everyone chatted with everyone....big change from what high school was like (or at least my perception of high school). I think I was one of the most changed as far as looks go. A lot of people in town did the double or triple take and made comments like, "Wow, you sure look different than you did in high school." I guess that's good???? Anywho, I'm wasting time at work blogging (I'm such a sneaky girl). Better get back to it before the bosser catches me. ;)

1 comment:

k8shoe said...

Glad you guys made it! How long til Rich is done with his "secret mission"?