Wednesday, December 26, 2007

All about Rich

Okay, so Katie challenged me to post since I have been so bad about it lately. Here you go.

What's his name? Richard (Rich) Powers Harvey

How long have you been together? Hmmm, since 1999 or 2000....can't remember.

How long did you date? A little over one year before we got engaged and then it was almost another year before we got married.

How old is he? 31

Who eats more? He does

Who said 'I love you' first? You expect me to remember that?

Who is taller? He is, by two inches. ;)

Who sings better? We both feel sorry for whoever sits in front of us in church.

Who is smarter? I'd say I'm overall smarter, but he's better at the school thing. (he has a master's....I have two pottery and two photography classes under my belt)

Who does the laundry? Unfortunately it's me. I wish they had laundry fairies.

Who does the dishes? 50/50

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Facing the bed he does, in the bed I do. Right now while he's in Iraq I just spread out over the entire bed. I don't know what I'm going to do when he gets back.

Who pays the bills? Me, if he was in charge we'd have horrible credit. I learned this the hard way when we were newlyweds and I figured we'd each pay our own bills (or the bills that were in each of our names)....and I get a notice one day in the mail that we don't have auto insurance because someone **cough cough Rich cough cough** didn't remember to pay the bill.

Who mows the lawn? Take (that's really his name). But I live with my mother in law. As soon as Rich is back and we have our own place I'm sure it will be me. I actually enjoy doing yardwork. I know, I'm a freak huh? Rich worries that our neighbors think he's a wuss because I'm always out there with the mower, the trimmer, the rake, etc.

Who cooks dinner? The fine folks that work at the cold cereal factory. I don't cook. When Rich wants to he can cook really well.

Who drives when you are together? Me....he makes me too nervous. He tailgates and doesn't slow down soon enough. I swear he actually speeds up when he sees brake lights in front of him.

Who is more stubborn? I'd say we are equally stubborn, he'd say I'm the stubborn one.

Who kissed who first? I had to chase him around before he'd let me plant one on him. He says I intimidated him....likely excuse eh?

Who asked who out first? I think we mutually agreed to go get something to eat and that was our first official date.

Who proposed? Rich

Who is more sensitive? I'm the bawl bag of the family. I catch myself crying at commercials.

Who has more friends? Definitely Rich. He's Mr. Social Butterfly.

Who has more siblings? I do, five older brothers. He has one twin brother and two sisters.

Who wears the pants in the family? Duh, do you really think I'd give him that kind of power? That would just be silly. ;P


k8shoe said...

Thanks for appeasing me. It's fun to "get to know" Rich a little better!

k8shoe said...

Also, I was thinking about it, you should make tutu's like the ones you did for your costumes and sell those on your etsy page. Just a thought....cuz everyone loves tutus. :)

Felicia said...

Thanks for the idea! Only problem is it requires a lot of tulle and that crap doesn't come cheap. Took me a few days to make Addie's because of the leaves, but I whipped mine up in a matter of hours. I actually have a ton of stuff I need to post to Etsy...just so time consuming ya know?