Monday, December 29, 2008

My New Year's Resolution is giving me a headache

So I'm on a health kick lately trying to shed the 10 pounds I so quickly gained. Did anyone else's metabolism just stop completely at age 30? It's horrible! I used to be able to eat anything I wanted without even worrying about what it was going to do to my thighs. I've recently come to notice that I'm struggling to tug my jeans over my thighs and hiney (which has been nonexistent until the last few months). I read a book on eating healthy and I'm a regular at the gym, but the pounds seem to come faster and faster as of late.

So for my new year's resolution I've decided to cut soda out of my daily diet. This means no more soda....and worse, no more Dr. Pepper. This may gross some people out, but I sat down and thought about the last 10-12 years of my life and I can only think of one day I ever went 24 hours without a Dr. Pepper (or in dire times a substitute of Coke or Pepsi) and that day was the day I gave birth to Addison. I was restricted from eating or drinking anything before I was induced and because I had her so late at night I wasn't able to get Rich to run out for a soda for me.

I'm two days into my "no-soda" kick and it's killing me. I was doing great until about 8pm last night. The headache came roaring in and I haven't been able to shake it since. I can't take any headache medicine because they all contain caffeine which is what is causing the headache to begin with (or the lack of caffeine I should say). We'll see if I can really make this work. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

'Tis the Season

Ahhh, at last. My favorite time of year has arrived. I've always loved this time of year and I think the draw for me is getting to spend time with my family. It's the one time of year that I get to see nearly everyone and the kids are all so excited, reminds me of being little and not being able to sleep a wink on Christmas Eve. I still get so excited, but not to the point where I'm willing to sacrifice precious shut eye. ;) So, happy holidays to all.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Eight things.....

I'm not original, I stole this from someone else's blog and I'm here goes.

8 things
8 television shows that I no particular order
1. What Not to Wear
2. The Office
3. Kath and Kim
4. Cops
5. Project Runway
6. The Pick Up Artist
7. Two and a Half Men
8. The Soup

8 Favorite restaurants......
1. El Farolito
2. Luigi's
3. Togo's
4. Lamppost Pizza
5. Ruth's Chris
6. Orange County Mining Co.
7. Islands
8. Mom's house (that isn't really a restuarant, but still one of my favorite places to eat;))

8 Favorite Singers/Bands
1. Mirah
2. Rilo Kiley
3. The Killers
4. Snow Patrol
5. Depeche Mode
6. Tori Amos
7. Gwen Stefani
8. Leona Naess

8 Books I have read
1. Shopaholic and sister
2. Shopaholic Takes Manhattan
3. Shopaholic Gets Married
4. Shopaholic and Baby (are you seeing a theme yet?)
5. Sweet Ruin
6. The Pact
7. The Notebook
8. Shawshank Redemption

8 things that happened yesterday
1. I went to the gym for two hours (yay for me!)
2. I had a parent/teacher conference with Addison's teacher
3. I drove to Fullerton and back in rush hour traffic
4. I played with our new kitten
5. I watched my favorite tv show
6. I ate way too many sugar cookies
7. I went to Target
8. I giggled with Addison about her Happy Meal making her "happy"

8 things I am looking forward to
1. Trick or Treating with Ad
2. Family get together tomorrow
3. Thanksgiving
4. Christmas
5. Spending time with family
6. Making cinnamon rolls with Mom
7. The weekend (woot woot)
8. Getting a new car maybe sometime in the next year???

8 things I wish for
1. Can I have a new car?
2. The election to be over!!!
3. A money tree so I could shop non-stop
4. That sparkly LAMB purse I've been eyeing at Nordstrom
5. That Addison will always be happy
6. A home makeover, all furnishings provided by Z Gallerie
7. A bigger closet
8. To be a rock star for one day, mostly for all the cute clothes I'd have (I'm too old though....)

8 people I am tagging
1. Katie
2. Michelle
3. Lori
4. Meri
5. Marcie
6. Sorry, I ran out of people to tag......

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Family photo shoot

We had our family photos taken last week by our fav photographer Jenny Stafford (Red Loft Studios). She's been taking our family portraits since Addie was a baby and we missed her for those two years on the east coast. I am so pleased with the outcome. I thought for sure Ad's hair would be a mess and she wouldn't smile because she was acting like a little impatient five year old, but Jenny managed to capture everything I love about my little girl. Guess who turned five?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Long time, no post

So it's been forever since I've posted anything. Guess I lead a pretty boring life. It's either that or life has been too crazy for me to even breathe. So, new for our family:

Rich finally has a job in California and started work in San Diego yesterday! He's commuting, but we're happy as long as he's in the same state as Addie and I.

We moved into a new place in Ladera Ranch (south Orange County). Although some parts of Ladera can be pretty upper class we love our new place and I'm hoping I don't have to go anywhere for a while. I can't take anymore boxes or packing paper.

Miss Ad started Kindergarten. I can't believe my baby is all grown up! Rich was amazed to watch her write her name. He's been gone almost one year with only a few short visits and this was his first opportunity to help her with her homework. I think she's glad to have the nice parent back in her life. ;) jk.

We're adding a new little one to our family and before you go and get all excited that I'm having a baby stop right there. Some cat had a baby and we're adopting the cat's baby. He's such a little cutie patootie. He's this tiny little gray ball of fluff and fur and his name is Flannel PJ's. We're just waiting for him to recover from some surgery and then he'll be on a plane on his way to us. I told Rich this was my early Christmas present. I think he has this idea in his head that I make every day Christmas for myself....which is partially correct...tee hee.

I finally stepped into 2008 and got a facebook account. I'm such an old married mom. I'm so out of the loop on what is cool and happening. It's been fun posting old pictures, ones I haven't looked at in ages. Can someone tell me what I was thinking in some of those outfits and haircuts? Why didn't someone smack me on the head and knock some fashion sense into me. I'm embarassed.

We have a new addition to our extended family. I have a new niece in that even a word? Anywho, my oldest nephew was recently married and I can't wait to meet his wife. If you know me you know that I LOVE spending time with my family and adding one more just means one more person at the table to play Scrabble or Boggle or Taboo with at Thanksgiving and Christmas. I'm sure she'll think we're all a bunch of weirdos.

We've had two sets of visitors at our new place. My parents were here last weekend for Ad's birthday party and my older brother Wyatt, his wife Lori and their three daughters (Kelli, Kodi and Gray) have been staying with us the last two days. It's been great seeing them and catching up on funny stories. I'm so happy that we live close enough to make weekend visits now and don't have to worry about airports and plane tickets. Phew. I'm not leavingt his state. You'd have to knock me out and take me away while I'm unconcious.

So that's about it for our family. Boring huh? Don't you just feel like you wasted ten minutes reading a bunch of nothing? Yep, thought so. :)

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A not so exciting update....

Geez I lead such a boring life. Not much has happened since Halloween. Addison and I were in Arizona for a week during Thanksgiving then we stayed here with Rich's family for Christmas and New Years. Me, the biggest loser actually went out on New Years Eve. Some plans fell through for my sister in law so she offered me her tickets to The Improv to see David Alan Grier. Personally I thought the two comics leading up to him were much funnier than he was. We were right up on the stage so we had a total blast (I took my friend Denise from work as my date).

Hmmm, my latest obsession is buying fabric, and clothes, and shoes, and purses. The fabric thing is working out well. I've been sewing up a storm in my free time. My focus has been on little pants for babies, bibs and I've made a few shopping cart covers. I just love all the designer fabrics out there, but they are pretty expensive....good thing I don't have bills right now.

Rich is scheduled to return mid-March...not sure if he'll go back to MD or come straight to Cali. I guess that will depend on the job situation. It's hard for him to really interview for jobs being on the other side of earth, but he's doing what he can over the phone and via the internet. With any luck we'll be able to afford a cardboard box underneath the 55/405 freeway interchange! I love the outlandishly overpriced homes in California....but I guess I shouldn't complain since I wouldn't want to live anywhere but Cali. I swear Orange County is like crack...once you live here no other place can come close to touching it and I can't quite put my finger on what it is. Maybe I'm just glad to be anywhere but SJ. Small towns are definitely not my thing.

Well, it's close to five and I have accomplished absolutely nothing at work today....except ordering fabric online (do they have a 12-step for shopaholics?). ;)